An Online Solution for ICF Australasia Members


GSA Insurance Brokers are delighted to offer an exclusive members' insurance program for ICF Australasia.
In collaboration with ProRisk, GSA's exclusive insurance package provides valued members with tailored insurance products relating to Professional Indemnity (PI), Public and Products Liability (PPL) and General Property cover, as well as expert advice and support.

Duty of Disclosure

As you consider taking out a policy, you should know that you have a duty of disclosure to tell the insurer anything that you know, or could reasonably be expected to know, that may affect their decision to insure you and on what terms. It is important that you understand that you are answering for yourself and all other persons and entities that you request cover for. You have this duty until the insurer agrees to insure you. You have the same duty before you renew, extend, vary or reinstate an insurance contract If you do not tell the insurer something you are required to, they may cancel your contract or reduce the amount they will pay you if you make a claim, or both. If your failure to tell them is fraudulent, they may refuse to pay a claim and treat the contract as if it never existed.

Please enter your current ICFA Australasia member number

Please re-enter your current ICFA Australasia member number

Do you earn fees above $500,000 AUD per annum?

Declare total clients / income for all practitioners and entities covered by this policy

Do you undertake any form of physical activities in the provision of your coaching services?

(This does not include walking or café meetings)

Please confirm you are qualified to practice the selected specialties

Please select the specialties you perform, by clicking on the options below:

What Professional Indemnity Limit do you require (million)?

What Public / Products Liability Limit do you require (million)?

I declare that I employ less than 25 staff

What State do you practise in?

Do you require General Property Insurance?

This section covers portable or valuable items that you usually carry around with you in the course of your business anywhere

Note cover is limited to a maximum of $5,000 any one item.

Cover Includes:

Theft in Open Air

Theft without Forcible Entry

Accidental Damage due to collision or overturning



Portable Equipment

Type of Cover - Fire, theft, collision and other expressed perils


Are you a small business (including sole traders) eligible for the exemption from the requirement to pay NSW stamp duty on certain types of insurance?

(Generally speaking, you are a small business if your aggregated turnover is less than $2 million)

For more information, visit:
